When I was doing my daughter's nursery, I was obsessed with Etsy and Pinterest. I searched day in and day out of how I want to decorate the nursery. Since the nursery will be housed in the same bedroom my husband and I sleep in, it had to be something that I could live with it. Translation: no cutesy pink stuff or ruffles because we would be waking up to it
every single morning for as long as we have a one bedroom. In one of my searches, I came across garlands as a decor. What a genius idea! But I wasn't buying a $20 one if I could make one! I had everything I needed to make this project --- card stock, transparent tape, scissors, string and a sharpie. I googled "elephant template" and chose one that I like, I cut the template and traced it on my card stock. I used a sharpie to draw dots along the edges because the color I chose was very light and it blended on the wall. The one on Etsy did not have dotted lines but I like the way mine came out. To add a hint of color, I used yellow wooden clippers to finish the look.